This study interprets the development of various flow types of the Transdanubian Mountains. For this, pressure was calculated at different depths and along some profiles the horizontal, specific temperature was calculated based on geoisotherms. This is the value of temperature distribution calculated to a given place. It has been established that upwellings develop at sites where the value of horizontal specific temperature is more than 0.8 °C, and partial upwelling can be detected where this value is between 0.6 °C and 0.8 °C. Outflow from the karst is present where this value is below 0.4 °C. Taking into consideration these values, the water temperature of karst springs and the caves of heat effect, the distribution of various flow types are determined. The flow type is also affected by the fault structure of the basin. In the case of horsts subsided to a great degree, since the sediment is thick above such horsts, the water is not able to flow upwards and towards the mountains because the hydrostatic pressure does not prevail any more. Above horsts subsided to a lower degree, the sediment is thin and thus, the water moving upwards is able to flow through.