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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 12 Par: 21 (2022)  /  Artículo

Towards an Efficient Multi-Generation System Providing Power, Cooling, Heating, and Freshwater for Residential Buildings Operated with Solar-Driven ORC

Fahad Awjah Almehmadi    
Hassan Fawzy Elattar    
Ali Fouda    
Saeed Alqaed    
Mathkar A. Alharthi and Hassanein Abdelmohsen Refaey    


In buildings, multi-generation systems are a promising technology that can replace discrete traditional energy production methods. A multi-generation system makes it possible to efficiently produce electricity, cooling, heating, and freshwater simultaneously. This study involved the numerical analysis of a modified proposed novel solar-driven multi-generation system (MGS-II) integrated with the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC), Humidification?Dehumidification Desalination System (HDH), and Desiccant Cooling System (DCS) by using heat recovery and thermal energy storage (TES) units. In addition, a comparison study with the basic multi-generation system (MGS-I) is performed. The proposed system is designed to supply electricity, air conditioning, domestic heating, and fresh water to small/medium-sized buildings. How operating conditions affect system productivity and performance metrics have been investigated. The results show that the proposed multi-generation system (MGS-II) can produce electrical power, space cooling, domestic heating and fresh water while maintaining comfortable conditions inside the conditioned space. Moreover, the MGS-II outperforms the MGS-I system, and the maximum MGS-II system productivity; electricity production (????????? W n e t ? ,), freshwater (???????????h m f r e s h ? ,), space cooling (????????????????? Q c o o l i n g ? ), and domestic heating (???h???????????? Q h e a t i n g ? ) are 102.3 kW, 141.5 kg/h, 20.77 kW, and 225 kW, respectively. In addition, the highest total gained output ratio (TGOR), specific total gained energy (STG), and specific total gained energy equivalent price (STGP) of the MGS-II system are 0.6303, 3.824 kWh/m2, and 0.149 USD/m2, respectively. The accepted ranges of comfortable space-supplied air conditions (temperature and humidity) are 15.5?18.2 °C and 9.2?12.00 gv/kga for both systems, MGS-I and MGS-II. Finally, the current system (MGS-II) has the maximum of the system?s performance indicators and productivity (TGOR and ???????????h m ? f r e s h ) compared with the other reported systems.

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