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Inicio  /  Future Internet  /  Vol: 14 Par: 5 (2022)  /  Artículo

Virtual Power Plant Optimization in Smart Grids: A Narrative Review

Bianca Goia    
Tudor Cioara and Ionut Anghel    


Virtual power plants (VPPs) are promising solutions to address the decarbonization and energy efficiency goals in the smart energy grid. They assume the coordination of local energy resources such as energy generation, storage, and consumption. They are used to tackle problems brought by the stochastic nature of renewable energy, lack of energy storage devices, or insufficient local energy flexibility on the demand side. VPP modeling, management, and optimization are open to research problems that should consider, on one side, the local constraints in the operation of the energy resources and power flows and the energy grid?s sustainability objectives on the other side. There are multiple goals to create a VPP, such as to deliver energy services on a market or to the grid operator, to operate a microgrid in autonomy decoupled from the main grid, or to sustain local energy communities. In this paper, we present the results of a narrative review carried out on the domain of VPP optimization for the local energy grid integration. We have defined a search strategy that considers highly rated international databases (i.e., Elsevier, IEEE, and MDPI) in a six-year timeframe and applied objective inclusion/exclusion criteria for selecting articles and publications for the review; 95 articles have been analyzed and classified according to their objectives and solutions proposed for optimizing VPP integration in smart grids. The results of the study show that VPP concepts and applications are well addressed in the research literature, however, there is still work to be done on: engaging prosumers and citizens in such a virtual organization, developing heuristics to consider a wider range of local and global constraints and non-energy vectors, and to decentralize and make transparent the services delivery and financial settlement towards community members. This study can help researchers to understand the current directions for VPP integration in smart grids. As a next step we plan to further analyze the open research directions related to this problem and target the development of innovative solutions to allow the integration of multi-energy assets and management of cross energy sector services in energy communities.

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