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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 10 Par: 3 (2020)  /  Artículo

Shear Band Characterization of Clayey Soils with Particle Image Velocimetry

Tae-Young Kwak    
Ka-Hyun Park    
Joonyoung Kim    
Choong-Ki Chung and Sung-Ha Baek    


Identifying the spatial distribution of deformation and shear band characteristics is important for accurately modeling soil behavior and ensuring the safety of nearby geotechnical structures. However, most research on the shear behavior of soils has focused on granular soil and clay-rich rocks, with little focus on clayey soil, and the entire shearing process from the initial state to failure has not been observed. This study evaluated the spatial distribution and evolution of deformation in clayey soils from the initial state to the post-failure state and the shear band characteristics. Plane strain tests were performed on normally consolidated and over-consolidated clay specimens, and digital images were captured through a transparent side wall for particle image velocimetry (PIV) analysis. PIV was performed to evaluate the displacement and deformation of soil particles. The results show that the shear-strain behaviors of two clays during the shearing process could be divided into four stages: initial, peak, softening, and steady state. Shear bands were observed to form in the softening stage, and the shear band slopes were compared to values in the literature. These results can be used to characterize shear bands in clay as well as predict failure behavior and guide reinforcement at actual sites with soft ground.

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