Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are a comparatively new revolutionary technology that has the potential to revolutionize how we live together with the present system. To enhance data archiving, WSNs are frequently used in scientific studies. Many applications have proved the value of wired sensors; however, they are prone to wire cutting or damage. While preventing wire tangles and damage, wireless sensor networks provide autonomous monitoring. The WS network suffers from a number of fundamental restrictions, including insufficient processing power, storage space, available bandwidth, and information exchange. Consequently, energy-efficient strategies are necessary for maximizing the performance and lifespan of WSNs. As a result, the special cluster head relay node and energy balancing techniques will be applied to deal with WSN energy consumptions. This extends the life of the network. In wireless sensor networks, clustering is a smart approach to reduce energy consumption. Energy scarcity and consumption are serious issues that must be addressed with effective and dependable solutions. The proposed MGSA considers the distance between each node and its corresponding CHs, as well as the residual energy and delay, as important factors in the relay node selection. The proposed approach outperforms the current methods, such as low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy, LEACH (in terms of data delivery rate), energy efficiency, and network longevity. The next level, which will boost the efficiency of wireless sensor networks, with two fitness functions, is proposed. The cluster head (CH) is in charge of collecting and transmitting data from all other cluster nodes. The flow of the consistency of the cluster head selection process will beat the improved data delivery rate, energy efficiency, recommended fuzzy clustering performance experiments, and assessments. As a result, energy-efficient operations are necessary to maximize the WSN performance and lifespan.