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Inicio  /  Future Internet  /  Vol: 14 Par: 2 (2022)  /  Artículo

Towards Crowdsourcing Internet of Things (Crowd-IoT): Architectures, Security and Applications

Kenneth Li Minn Ang    
Jasmine Kah Phooi Seng and Ericmoore Ngharamike    


Crowdsourcing can play an important role in the Internet of Things (IoT) applications for information sensing and gathering where the participants are equipped with geolocated devices. Mobile crowdsourcing can be seen as a new paradigm contributing to the development of the IoT. They can be merged to form a new and essential platform in crowdsourcing IoT paradigm for data collection from different sources and communication mediums. This paper presents a comprehensive survey for this new Crowdsourcing IoT paradigm from four different perspectives: (1) Architectures for Crowd-IoT; (2) Trustworthy, Privacy and Security for Crowd-IoT; (3) Resources, Sharing, Storage and Energy Considerations for Crowd-IoT; and (4) Applications for Crowd-IoT. This survey paper aims to increase awareness and encourage continuing developments and innovations from the research community and industry towards the Crowdsourcing IoT paradigm.

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