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Inicio  /  Algorithms  /  Vol: 16 Par: 6 (2023)  /  Artículo

Fully Parallel Homological Region Adjacency Graph via Frontier Recognition

Fernando Díaz-del-Río    
Pablo Sanchez-Cuevas    
María José Moron-Fernández    
Daniel Cascado-Caballero    
Helena Molina-Abril and Pedro Real    


Relating image contours and regions and their attributes according to connectivity based on incidence or adjacency is a crucial task in numerous applications in the fields of image processing, computer vision and pattern recognition. In this paper, the crucial incidence topological information of 2-dimensional images is extracted in an efficient manner through the computation of a new structure called the HomDuRAG of an image; that is, the dual graph of the HomRAG (a topologically consistent extended version of the classical RAG). These representations are derived from the two traditional self-dual square grids (in which physical pixels play the role of 2-dimensional cells) and encapsulate the whole set of topological features and relations between the three types of objects embedded in a digital image: 2-dimensional (regions), 1-dimensional (contours) and 0-dimensional objects (crosses). Here, a first version of a fully parallel algorithm to compute this new representation is presented, whose timing complexity order (in the worst case and supposing one processing element per 0-cell) is O(log(M×N))" role="presentation">??(??????(??×??))O(log(M×N)) O ( l o g ( M × N ) ) , M and N being the height and width of the image. Efficient implementations of this parallel algorithm would allow images to be processed in real time, as well as permit us to uncover fast algorithms for contour detection and segmentation, opening new perspectives within the image processing field.

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