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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 11 Par: 9 (2021)  /  Artículo

Quantitative GIS Model for Evaluating the Favorability of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Culture for Suitable Varieties in Romania: Case Study Bihor County

Radu Brejea    
Sanda Rosca    
Florian Dumitru Taut    
?tefan Bila?co    
Cristian Domu?a and Ioana Maria Borza    


The adaptation measures of agricultural crops to current climate change are also reflected at the level of land-use planning for species with resistance to rainfall shortages and periods of prolonged droughts. The present paper aimed at the spatial modeling of land favorability for alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) within Bihor county, which is located in Northwest Romania. This was performed by using GIS spatial analysis techniques, particularly the technique of rating agricultural plots by using as a modeling basis the synthetic climate indicators, soil indices, as well as topographic characteristics, which are considered relevant for the studied species. As a result of the modeling process, agricultural plots that are favorable for the alfalfa culture were identified. A comparative analysis of the profit was also carried out both for the green and dry masses of eight types of alfalfa, which are suitable for the national environmental conditions. Land favorability modeling for alfalfa cultivation will be carried out by using GIS spatial analysis techniques, which allow the use of large databases while maintaining the necessary degree of detail, and they make possible the correlations between factors and production estimated per hectare, which are correlations that are characteristic for the environmental factors. Thus, for the studied territory, the best green alfalfa production was identified as being obtained from the Carinca and Daniela varieties, whereas the Mihaela and Teodora varieties were noticed to provide the best dry alfalfa production.

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