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Inicio  /  Acoustics  /  Vol: 4 Par: 3 (2022)  /  Artículo

Measuring the Acoustical Properties of the BBC Maida Vale Recording Studios for Virtual Reality

Gavin Kearney    
Helena Daffern    
Patrick Cairns    
Anthony Hunt    
Ben Lee    
Jacob Cooper    
Panos Tsagkarakis    
Tomasz Rudzki and Daniel Johnston    


In this paper we present a complete acoustic survey of the British Broadcasting Corporation Maida Vale recording studios. The paper outlines a fast room acoustic measurement framework for capture of spatial impulse response measurements for use in three or six degrees of freedom Virtual Reality rendering. Binaural recordings from a KEMAR dummy head as well as higher order Ambisonic spatial room impulse response measurements taken using a higher order Ambisonic microphone are presented. An acoustic comparison of the studios is discussed, highlighting remarkable similarities across three of the recording spaces despite significant differences in geometry. Finally, a database of the measurements, housing the raw impulse response captures as well as processed spatial room impulse responses is presented.

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