Forward logistic regression and conditional analysis have been compared to assess landslide susceptibility across the whole territory of the Sicilian region (about 25,000 km2) using previously existing data and a nested tiered approach. These approaches were aimed at singling out a statistical correlation between the spatial distribution of landslides that have affected the Sicilian region in the past, and a set of controlling factors: outcropping lithology, rainfall, landform classification, soil use, and steepness. The landslide inventory used the proposal of building the models like the official one obtained in the PAI (hydro geologic asset plan) project, amounting to more than 33,000 events. The 11 types featured in PAI were grouped into 4 macro-typologies, depending on the inherent conditions believed to generate various kinds of failures and their kinematic evolution. The study has confirmed that it is possible to carry out a regional landslide susceptibility assessment based solely on existing data (i.e., factor maps and the landslide archive), saving a considerable amount of time and money. For scarp landslides, where the selected factors (steepness, landform classification, and lithology) are more discriminate, models show excellent performance: areas under receiver operating characteristic (ROC) (AUCs) average > 0.9, while hillslope landslide results are highly satisfactory (average AUCs of about 0.8). The stochastic approach makes it possible to classify the Sicilian territory depending on its propensity to landslides in order to identify those municipalities which are most susceptible at this level of study, and are potentially worthy of more specific studies, as required by European-level protocols.