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Modelling and Analyzing the Semantic Evolution of Social Media User Behaviors during Disaster Events: A Case Study of COVID-19

Xuehua Han and Juanle Wang    


Public behavior in cyberspace is extremely sensitive to emergency disaster events. Using appropriate methodologies to capture the semantic evolution of social media users? behaviors and discover how it varies across geographic space and time still presents a significant challenge. This study proposes a novel framework based on complex network, topic model, and GIS to describe the topic change of social media users? behaviors during disaster events. The framework employs topic modeling to extract topics from social media texts, builds a user semantic evolution model based on a complex network to describe topic dynamics, and analyzes the spatio-temporal characteristics of public semantics evolution. The proposed framework has demonstrated its effectiveness in analyzing the semantic spatial?temporal evolution of Chinese Weibo user behavior during COVID-19. The semantic change in response to COVID-19 was characterized by obvious expansion, frequent change, and gradual stabilization over time. In this case, there were obvious geographical differences in users? semantic changes, which were mainly concentrated in the capital and economically developed areas. The semantics of users finally focused on specific topics related to positivity, epidemic prevention, and factual comments. Our work provides new insight into the behavioral response to disasters and provides the basis for data-driven public sector decisions. In emergency situations, this model could improve situational assessment, assist decision makers to better comprehend public opinion, and support analysts in allocating resources of disaster relief appropriately.

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