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Inicio  /  Agriculture  /  Vol: 12 Par: 6 (2022)  /  Artículo

Food Production in the Context of Global Developmental Challenges

Tomasz Daszkiewicz    


The article presents a synthetic analysis of the most pressing challenges associated with food security in the context of changes induced by global development and the generated problems. The study demonstrated that a more effective model of food production and management is needed to counteract anthropogenic pressure on the natural environment and excessive exploitation of limited resources caused by rapid population growth. Policies aiming to increase the efficiency of production and conversion of raw materials into finished food products of plant and animal origin (including feed conversion into high-energy and high-protein foods), promote the use of novel protein sources for feed and food production, and prevent excessive food consumption and waste are needed. At present and in the future, demographic, social, environmental, and geopolitical factors as well as the availability of natural resources should be taken into account by world leaders who should act together, with solidarity, to provide food to countries suffering from food shortage. Adequate food availability, including both physical and financial access to food, cannot be guaranteed without a holistic approach to global food security.

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