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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 9 Par: 15 (2019)  /  Artículo

Online Knowledge Learning Model Based on Gravitational Field Theory

Wenfei Ji    
Tonghai Jiang    
Meng Wang    
Xinyu Tang    
Guang Chen and Shan Yang    


Currently, low-dimensional embedded representation learning models are the mainstream approach in knowledge representation research, due to ease of calculation and ability to utilize the spatial relationship between knowledge areas, which benefit from static knowledge learning. However, these models cannot update and learn knowledge online. Although using update strategies to update the knowledge base has been proposed by some scholars, this still requires retraining of knowledge and does not use the previous learning parameters and models. TransOnLine, an online knowledge learning method based on the theory of gravitational field, inspired by the fact that the forces acting on two objects in a gravitational field are only related to the distances between objects, rebalances the knowledge space caused by new knowledge through dynamic programming via introducing the spatial energy function and energy transfer function to solve the above problems. TransOnLine can reuse the parameters and models of previous learning. Experiments show that the performance of the TransOnLine method is close to state-of-the-art methods, and it is suitable for online learning and updating a relational-intensive knowledge base.

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