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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 10 Par: 10 (2020)  /  Artículo

Hybrid Fault Diagnosis of Bearings: Adaptive Fuzzy Orthonormal-ARX Robust Feedback Observer

Farzin Piltan and Jong-Myon Kim    


Rolling-element bearings (REBs) make up a class of non-linear rotating machines that can be applied in several activities. Conceding a bearing has complicated and uncertain behavior that exhibits substantial challenges to fault diagnosis. Thus, the offered anomaly-diagnosis algorithm, based on a fuzzy orthonormal-ARX adaptive fuzzy logic-structure feedback observer, is developed. A fuzzy orthonormal-ARX algorithm is presented for non-stationary signal modeling. Next, a robust, stable, reliable, and accurate observer is developed for signal estimation. Therefore, firstly, a classical feedback observer is implemented. To address the robustness drawback found in feedback observers, a multi-structure technique is developed. Furthermore, to generate signal estimation performance and reliability, the fuzzy logic technique is applied to the structure feedback observer. Also, to improve the stability, reliability, and robustness of the fuzzy orthonormal-ARX fuzzy logic-structure feedback observer, an adaptive algorithm is developed. After generating the residual signals, a support vector machine (SVM) is developed for the detection and classification of the bearing fault conditions. The effectiveness of the proposed procedure is validated using two different datasets for single-type fault diagnosis based on the Case Western Reverse University (CWRU) vibration dataset and multi-type fault diagnosis of bearing using the Smart Health Safety Environment (SHSE) Lab acoustic emission dataset. The proposed algorithm increases the classification accuracy from 86% in the SVM-based fuzzy orthonormal-ARX feedback observer to 97.5% in single-type fault and from 80% to 98.3% in the multi-type faults.

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