Predicting the academic standing of a student at the graduation time can be very useful, for example, in helping institutions select among candidates, or in helping potentially weak students in overcoming educational challenges. Most studies use individual course grades to represent college performance, with a recent trend towards using grade point average (GPA) per semester. It is unknown however which of these representations can yield the best predictive power, due to the lack of a comparative study. To answer this question, a case study is conducted that generates two sets of classification models, using respectively individual course grades and GPAs. Comprehensive sets of experiments are conducted, spanning different student data, using several well-known machine learning algorithms, and trying various prediction window sizes. Results show that using course grades yields better accuracy if the prediction is done before the third term, whereas using GPAs achieves better accuracy otherwise. Most importantly, variance analysis on the experiment results reveals interesting insights easily generalizable: individual course grades with short prediction window induces noise, and using GPAs with long prediction window causes over-simplification. The demonstrated analytical approach can be applied to any dataset to determine when to use which college performance representation for enhanced prediction.