Smart surfaces are becoming more and more popular in the field of intralogistics, as they combine great flexibility with easy reprogrammability. Pursuing this trend, the following article proposes a modular surface to perform handling tasks, such as sorting, stopping, or slowing down material flows. Differently from the current technology, the surface used is under-actuated, thus, it exploits the speed, already possessed by the object, or the gravity to perform, with a simplified hardware, for the aforementioned tasks. In practice, these handling actions are completed using an array of rotors, of which only the direction of the rotation axis is controlled. Moreover, the axis can only assume certain discrete orientations in the plane, further simplifying the design. Thus, what is created is a controllable and under-actuated friction field, which, in contrast with similar existing systems, does not require active driving forces to manipulate the material flow. In the article, the analytic model of the surface is described, and a software simulation environment is introduced to demonstrate its functioning. In addition, examples of sorting, slowing down, and stopping operations and a validation of the simulation itself are presented.