This study investigates the magnitude and direction of stable C and H isotope shifts of n-C15?30 alkanes from biodegraded oils sourced from Type II (Oil suite S) and Type II/III (Oil suite H) kerogens. Compound-specific isotope data show a 2.0? 13C-enrichment and no D-enrichment of n-alkanes in the most biodegraded oil from sample suite S. Similarly, there is a 1.5?2.5? 13C-enrichment and no D-enrichment in Oil suite H. Overall, there is a <2.5? d13C and <20? dD variability among individual n-alkanes in the whole sequence of biodegradation. N-alkanes from the least biodegraded Oil H samples are 2?4? 13C-enriched in comparison with the least biodegraded Oil S. However, there are no differences in the dD values of n-alkanes in these samples. Our indirect isotopic evidence suggests (1) a site-specific biodegradation process, most likely at position C-2 and/or C-3 or another site-specific process, and (2) a significant D/H exchange between organic compounds in the source rock and isotopically similar marine formation waters. We conclude that, unlike dD methodology, investigation of d13C composition of n-alkanes has strong potential as a supplementary tool for oil?oil and oil?source-rock correlation even in biodegraded oils when n-alkanes are present.