Lung cancer is seen as one of the most common lung diseases. For the patients having symptoms, the presence of lung nodules is checked by using various imaging techniques. Pulmonary nodules are detected in most of the cases having symptoms. But identifying the type of the nodule and the categorization still remains as a challenge. After confirming the presence of a nodule (benign or malignant) it takes several other steps to identify its characteristics. Improved imaging methods produce results within a short span of time. Research works are being conducted to increase the overall efficiency of the system. The proposed system considers authentic data sources for the study. The benign and malignant samples are considered for the generation of realistic large image sets. The generation of a large data set with the help of a generative adversarial network (GAN) is the first part of the work. The generated images using GAN cannot be differentiated from the original images even by a trained radiologist. This proves the importance of images generated using GAN. A GAN is able to generate 1024 × 1024 resolutions for natural images. Real data images are used to finetune the SegNet output. Through transfer learning, these weights are transferred to the system for segmentation of the images. The training process use real and generated images, which improve theefficiency of the network. The original data from LUNA 16 was used to further generate benign and malignant samples using GAN. A total of 440 images and their augmented images were used for training the GAN, and it generated 1,001,000 images. Hence the overall efficiency of the system was improved. To verify the results, the same various combinations and methods were considered and tabulated with various parameters. Methods with SegNet, GAN, and other combinations were evaluated to verify the efficiency of the system. Receiver operating characteristics were also plotted and compared with the area under the curve for verification of the results.