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Inicio  /  Hydrology  /  Vol: 9 Par: 10 (2022)  /  Artículo

Assessment of a Coastal Aquifer in the Framework of Conjunctive Use of Surface Water and Groundwater?The Case of the River Nestos Western Delta, NE Greece

George Kampas    
Ioannis Gkiougkis    
Andreas Panagopoulos    
Fotios-Konstantinos Pliakas and Ioannis Diamantis    


This paper presents research regarding the assessment of the hydrogeological system of the River Nestos Western Delta, NE Greece, during the period of 2019. The procedure included the collection and analysis of relevant hydrological and hydrogeological data concerning the aquifer system of the study area. Specifically, groundwater level measurements and sampling were carried out in a monitoring well network in the shallow unconfined and the deep confined aquifers of the study area, respectively; and surface water sampling was conducted from the River Nestos at selected locations in each of the main drainage canals, as well as in lagoons of the study area; followed by analysis and processing of the relevant chemical analyses results. Finally, piezometric, hydrochemical maps and diagrams were constructed to augment the evaluation of results and the assessment of the system. The present study contributes to the development and management of water resources in the River Nestos Delta area by providing insight into the hydrodynamic and hydrochemical status of the system based on comprehensive contemporary data that can support and justify the compilation of realistic measurements. The conjunctive management of the surface and groundwater in the study area can improve the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the water. The water level in piezometric maps varies from -4 m up to 16 m for both time periods (May 2019 and October 2019). Moreover, the maximum values of EC are 2700 µS/cm and 2390 µS/cm for the confined and unconfined aquifer systems, respectively. The maximum values of Cl- concentrations are 573.89 mg/L for the confined aquifer system and 514.73 mg/L for the unconfined aquifer system for both time periods (May 2019 and October 2019).

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