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Inicio  /  Water  /  Vol: 14 Par: 23 (2022)  /  Artículo

Large Eddy Simulation of Compound Open Channel Flows with Floodplain Vegetation

Cheng Zeng    
Yimo Bai    
Jie Zhou    
Fei Qiu    
Shaowei Ding    
Yudie Hu and Lingling Wang    


Floodplain vegetation is of great importance in velocity distribution and turbulent coherent structure within compound open channel flows. As the large eddy simulation (LES) technique can provide detailed instantaneous flow dynamics and coherent turbulent structure predictions, it is of great importance to perform LES simulations of compound open channel flows with floodplain vegetation. In the present study, a wall-modeled large eddy simulation (WMLES) method was employed to simulate the compound open channel flows with floodplain vegetation. The vegetation-induced resistance effect was modeled with the drag force method. The WMLES model, incorporating the drag force method, was verified against flume measurements and an analytical solution of vegetated open channel flows. Numerical simulations were conducted with a depth ratio of 0.5 and four different floodplain vegetation densities (frk = 0, 0.28 m-1, 1.13 m-1 and 2.26 m-1). The main flow velocity, secondary flow, bed shear stress and vortex coherent structure, based on the Q criterion, were obtained and analyzed. Based on the numerical results, the influences of floodplain vegetation density on the flow field and turbulent structure of compound open channel flows were summarized and discussed. Compared to the case without floodplain vegetation, the streamwise velocity in the main channel increased by 10.8%, 19.9% and 24.4% with the frk = 0.28 m-1, 1.13 m-1 and 2.26 m-1, respectively. The results also indicated that, when the floodplain vegetation density increased, the following occurred: the velocity increased in the main channel, while the velocity decreased in the floodplain; the transverse momentum exchange was enhanced; and the strip structures were more concentrated near the junction area of compound open channel flows.

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