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Inicio  /  Water  /  Vol: 10 Par: 7 (2018)  /  Artículo

Hazard Assessment of Typhoon-Driven Storm Waves in the Nearshore Waters of Taiwan

Chih-Hsin Chang    
Hung-Ju Shih    
Wei-Bo Chen    
Wen-Ray Su    
Lee-Yaw Lin    
Yi-Chiang Yu and Jiun-Huei Jang    


In Taiwan, the coastal hazard from typhoon-induced storm waves poses a greater threat to human life and infrastructure than storm surges. Therefore, there has been increased interest in assessing the storm wave hazard levels for the nearshore waters of Taiwan. This study hindcasted the significant wave heights (SWHs) of 124 historical typhoon events from 1978 to 2017 using a fully coupled model and hybrid wind fields (a combination of the parametric typhoon model and reanalysis products). The maximum SWHs of each typhoon category were extracted to create individual storm wave hazard maps for the sea areas of the coastal zones (SACZs) in Taiwan. Each map was classified into five hazard levels (I to V) and used to generate a comprehensive storm wave hazard map. The results demonstrate that the northern and eastern nearshore waters of Taiwan are threatened by a hazard level IV (SWHs ranging from 9.0 to 12.0 m) over a SACZ of 510.0 km2 and a hazard level V (SWHs exceeding 12.0 m) over a SACZ of 2152.3 km2. The SACZs threatened by hazard levels I (SWHs less than 3.0 m), II (SWHs ranging from 3.0 to 6.0 m), and III (SWHs ranging from 6.0?9.0 m) are of 1045.2 km2, 1793.9 km2, and 616.1 km2, respectively, and are located in the western waters of Taiwan.

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