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Buckling and Post-Buckling Behavior of Perfect/Perforated Composite Cylindrical Shells under Hydrostatic Pressure

Ke-Chun Shen    
Zhao-Qi Yang    
Lei-Lei Jiang and Guang Pan    


In this paper, the buckling and post-buckling behavior of perfect and perforated composite cylindrical shells subjected to external hydrostatic pressure was experimentally investigated. Three filament wound composite cylindrical shells were fabricated from T700-12K Carbon fiber/Epoxy, two of which were perforated and reinforced. A test platform was established that allows researchers to observe the deformation of composite cylindrical shells under hydrostatic pressure in real-time during test. According to experimental observation, strain response and buckling deformation wave were discussed. Comparative analysis was carried out based on the experimental observation and finite element prediction. Results show that the deformation of composite cylindrical shell under hydrostatic pressure included linear compression, buckling and post-buckling processes. The buckling behavior was a progressive evolution process which accounted for 20% of the load history, and strain reversal phenomenon generally occurred at the trough of the buckling wave. As for the postbuckling deformation, the load carrying capacity of the shell gradually decreased while the magnitude of strain continued increasing. Both the perfect and perforated composite cylindrical shells collapsed at the trough of the buckling wave. Comparing with the perfect shell, it was validated the reinforcement design could effectively ensure the load carrying capacity of the perforated composite cylindrical shell.

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