In order to solve the problems of filtering divergence and low accuracy in Kalman filter (KF) applications in a high-speed unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), this paper proposed a new method of integrated robust adaptive Kalman filter: strong adaptive Kalman filter (SAKF). The simulation of two high-dynamic conditions and a practical experiment were designed to verify the new multi-sensor data fusion algorithm. Then the performance of the Sage?Husa adaptive Kalman filter (SHAKF), strong tracking filter (STF), H8 filter and SAKF were compared. The results of the simulation and practical experiments show that the SAKF can automatically select its filtering process under different conditions, according to an anomaly criterion. SAKF combines the advantages of SHAKF, H8 filter and STF, and has the characteristics of high accuracy, robustness and good tracking skill. The research has proved that SAKF is more appropriate in high-speed UAV navigation than single filter algorithms.