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Inicio  /  Acoustics  /  Vol: 3 Par: 3 (2021)  /  Artículo

Efficient Forced Response Computations of Acoustical Systems with a State-Space Approach

Art J. R. Pelling and Ennes Sarradj    


State-space models have been successfully employed for model order reduction and control purposes in acoustics in the past. However, due to the cubic complexity of the singular value decomposition, which makes up the core of many subspace system identification (SSID) methods, the construction of large scale state-space models from high-dimensional measurement data has been problematic in the past. Recent advances of numerical linear algebra have brought forth computationally efficient randomized rank-revealing matrix factorizations and it has been shown that these factorizations can be used to enhance SSID methods such as the Eigensystem Realization Algorithm (ERA). In this paper, we demonstrate the applicability of the so-called generalized ERA to acoustical systems and high-dimensional input data by means of an example. Furthermore, we introduce a new efficient method of forced response computation that relies on a state-space model in quasi-diagonal form. Numerical experiments reveal that our proposed method is more efficient than previous state-space methods and can even outperform frequency domain convolutions in certain scenarios.

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