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Inicio  /  Buildings  /  Vol: 12 Par: 7 (2022)  /  Artículo

Thermal Optimization of Additively Manufactured Lightweight Concrete Wall Elements with Internal Cellular Structure through Simulations and Measurements

David Briels    
Stefan Kollmannsberger    
Felicitas Leithner    
Carla Matthäus    
Ahmad Saleem Nouman    
Oguz Oztoprak and Ernst Rank    


Combining the additive manufacturing (AM) process of extrusion with lightweight concrete, mono-material but multi-functional elements with an internal cellular structure can be created to achieve good thermal performance of a wall at low resource consumption. The aim of this paper is to analyze and optimize the actual thermal performance of such a component. A sensitivity analysis and a parametric optimization were conducted based on a mathematical description of heat transfer in cellular structures. To investigate the thermal performance, 2D and 3D heat transfer simulations were used and validated by heat flux measurements on an existing prototype. A geometric optimization led to a further reduction of the U-value by up to 24%, reaching 0.58 W/m2 K. The ratio of solid material to air inside the cells (relative density) was identified as the main driver, in addition to cell diameter, cell height, and cell wall thickness. The comparison of analytical and numerical results showed high correspondence with deviations of 3?10%, and for the experimental results 25%. These remaining deviations can be traced back to simplifications of the theoretical models and discrepancies between as designed and as built. The presented approach provides a good basis for optimizing the thermal design of complex AM components by investigating practical thermal problems with the help of 2D and 3D simulations, and thus offers a great potential for further applications.

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