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Inicio  /  Applied System Innovation  /  Vol: 4 Par: 4 (2021)  /  Artículo

Quantitative Model for the Value of the 3D Product Model Use in Production Processes

Carl Kirpes    
Dave Sly and Guiping Hu    


Prior research has shown qualitatively that organizations can increase the value created in their production and assembly processes through the implementation of three-dimensional (3D) product models in those processes. This paper moves beyond qualitative value to develop and calibrate a quantitative model for the value of 3D product model use in production and assembly processes. The principal contributions of this research are development of the quantitative model and determination of the quantitative value of deploying the 3D product model in assembly and production processes; findings developed through interviews with industry experts in industrial and systems engineering to gather the model inputs, calculate the outputs, and then calibrate the model with those industry experts. These results are then compared against the qualitative value categories from prior research to determine the alignment in order and magnitude with the quantitative model results. This paper concludes with a recommendation of where both industry and academia focus future implementation efforts and research based upon the associated results demonstrated in both the qualitative and quantitative model on the value of 3D product model use in assembly and production processes.

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