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Inicio  /  Buildings  /  Vol: 12 Par: 6 (2022)  /  Artículo

Study of the Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient of Different Building Envelope Exterior Surfaces

Xiaotong Xue    
Shouxu Han    
Dongjun Guo    
Ziwei Zhao    
Bin Zhou and Fei Li    


Convective heat transfer on the exterior surface of the building envelope is an important component for building energy consumption. The calculation of energy consumption depends on the convective heat transfer coefficient (CHTC) of the exterior surface of the envelope. The existing research does not fully consider the effects of the airflow field around the building on the CHTC of different envelope exterior surfaces. In this paper, the relationships between the CHTC and influence factors were investigated for the isolated building. Response surface methodology (RSM) and support vector machine (SVM) algorithms were integrated with the single building simulation to build the fitting formulas. Then, the fitting correlation between CHTC and different influencing factors was validated by the heating building simulation. The results showed that the CHTC of the building exterior surface was related to the wind velocity, wind direction and temperature difference. Additionally, the fitting formulas had good accuracy in calculating the CHTC under different conditions. The SVM algorithm (averaged error: 3.34%) performed slightly better than the RSM algorithm (averaged error: 4.84%).

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