Name resolution system is an important infrastructure in Information Centric Networking (ICN) network architecture of identifier?locator separation mode. In the Local Name Resolution System (LNMRS), a hierarchical name resolution system for latency-sensitive scenarios; higher-level resolution nodes serve more users and suffer more storage pressure, which causes the problem of unbalanced storage load between layers, and requires inter-layer collaborative storage under the constraint of deterministic service latency characteristics. In this paper, we use the constraints required for inter-layer collaborative resolution to construct an index neighbor structure and perform collaborative storage based on this structure. This method relieves storage pressure on high-level resolution nodes. Experimental results show that the increase of total storage load brought by the proposed method is 57.1% of that by MGreedy algorithm, 8.1% of that by Greedy algorithm, and 0.8% of that by the K-Mediod algorithm when relieving the same storage load for high-level resolution nodes. Meanwhile, deterministic service latency feature is still sustained when our proposed method is used for collaborative resolution.