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Suppressed Thermocline Mixing in the Center of Anticyclonic Eddy in the North South China Sea

Yongfeng Qi    
Huabin Mao    
Xia Wang    
Linhui Yu    
Shumin Lian    
Xianpeng Li and Xiaodong Shang    


Direct microstructure observations and fine-scale measurements of an anticyclonic mesoscale eddy were conducted in the northern South China Sea in July 2020. An important finding was that suppressed turbulent mixing in the thermocline existed at the center of the eddy, with an averaged diapycnal diffusivity at least threefold smaller than the peripheral diffusivity. Despite the strong background shear and significant wave?mean flow interactions, the results indicated that the lack of internal wave energy in the corresponding neap tide period during measurement of the eddy?s center was the main reason for the suppressed turbulent mixing in the thermocline. The applicability of the fine-scale parameterization method in the presence of significant wave?mean flow interactions in a mesoscale eddy was evaluated. Overprediction via fine-scale parameterization occurred in the center of the eddy, where the internal waves were inactive; however, the parameterization results were consistent with microstructure observations along the eddy?s periphery, where active internal waves existed. This indicates that the strong background shear and wave?mean flow interactions affected by the mesoscale eddy were not the main contributing factors that affected the applicability of fine-scale parameterization in the northern South China Sea. Instead, our results showed that the activity of internal waves is the most important consideration.

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