Land use and land cover change (LULCC) is the result of both natural and socio-economic determinants. The aim of this study was to model the determinant factors of land cover changes in Raya Valley, Southern Tigray, Ethiopia. Multistage sampling was used to collect data from 246 households sampled from lowlands (47), midlands (104), highlands (93), and sub-alpine (2) agro-climatological zone. Descriptive statistics and logit regression model were used to analyze the field survey data. Agricultural land expansion, fuelwood extraction, deforestation, overgrazing and expansion of infrastructure were the proximate causes of LULCC in the study area. Agricultural land expansion (p = 0.084) and wood extraction for fuel and charcoal production (p = 0.01) were the prominent causes for LULCC. Persistent drought (p = 0.001), rapid population growth (p = 0.027), and climate variability (p = 0.013) were the underlying driving factors of LULCC. The determinants of LULCC need to be considered and mitigated to draw robust land use policy for sustainable land management by the smallholder farmers. This study provides important results for designing and implementing scientific land management strategies by policy makers and land managers.