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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 10 Par: 21 (2020)  /  Artículo

Biomass Dynamics in a Fragment of Brazilian Tropical Forest (Caatinga) over Consecutive Dry Years

Diego A. Campos    
Eunice M. Andrade    
Andréa D. A. Castanho    
Ramon C. Feitosa and Helba Q. A. Palácio    


Increases in water scarcity due to climate change, especially in dry regions, can affect the dynamics of successional species. In view of the longest sequence of dry years (2010?2019) to have occurred in the Brazilian semi-arid region, with a consequent reduction in water availability, the influence of rainfall distribution on the production of above-ground plant biomass was investigated in a Dry Tropical Forest (DTF). This natural change monitoring experiment was conducted over 11 years (2009?2019) in a fragment of DTF under regeneration for 40 years, in the district of Iguatu, Ceará, Brazil. All living individuals of the woody component with a Diameter at Ground Level (DGL) =3 cm and a height (h) =100 cm were measured during 2009?2010, 2015?2016, 2018?2019. Biomass production was calculated using an allometric equation defined for DTF species. A mean mortality rate of 134 ind. ha-1 yr-1 was registered, with a recruitment of 39 ind. ha-1 yr-1, generating a mean deficit of 95 ind. ha-1 yr-1. The mean reduction in biomass was 3.26 Mg ha-1 yr-1. Climate conditions during consecutive dry years have a direct effect on the mortality and recruitment of woody species, with a recruitment/mortality ratio of 0.11. Shrubby-tree individuals of smaller diameter showed less resilience to the cumulative effect of drought.

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