A programming contest generally involves the host presenting a set of logical and mathematical problems to the contestants. The contestants are required to write computer programs that are capable of solving these problems. An online judge system is used to automate the judging procedure of the programs that are submitted by the users. Online judges are systems designed for the reliable evaluation of the source codes submitted by the users. Traditional online judging platforms are not ideally suitable for programming labs, as they do not support partial scoring and efficient detection of plagiarized codes. When considering this fact, in this paper, we present an online judging framework that is capable of automatic scoring of codes by detecting plagiarized contents and the level of accuracy of codes efficiently. Our system performs the detection of plagiarism by detecting fingerprints of programs and using the fingerprints to compare them instead of using the whole file. We used winnowing to select fingerprints among k-gram hash values of a source code, which was generated by the Rabin?Karp Algorithm. The proposed system is compared with the existing online judging platforms to show the superiority in terms of time efficiency, correctness, and feature availability. In addition, we evaluated our system by using large data sets and comparing the run time with MOSS, which is the widely used plagiarism detection technique.