The concept of seismic resilience has been introduced in the design of buildings in the last decade. In this regard, the delay time may be defined as the time that occurs between the event and the moment the repair process begins. In the literature, only a few contributions have considered delay time, and even its definition is still under discussion. However, it is a key parameter in the assessment of resilience after earthquakes since it may significantly increase the total time after which a structure may be considered recovered. The principle at the base of the paper is that seismic structural health monitoring (S2HM) may play a significant role in reducing the delay time. Therefore, delay time needs to be considered since it may significantly reduce the seismic resilience of structural systems. The paper aims to consider this important issue demonstrating the relationship between S2HM and the assessment of the seismic resilience of buildings. In particular, the assumption herein is that the accuracy of the S2HM may be described with different levels, and in correspondence with these levels, certain values of the delay time may be considered. In addition, the delay time is considered as a percentage of the total repair time. A multidimensional definition that includes the accuracy of S2HM in the description of the delay time is herein proposed to be included in methodologies that aim to assess seismic resilience.