This study aims to monitor the magnitudes, rates, and directions of spatial urban expansions east of Cairo and their interactions with the initial morphologic landscapes. The approach relies on using CORONA satellite images acquired in 1969 with fine spatial resolution and time series images of Landsat and ASTER from 1984 to 2020. The CORONA images enable retrieval of the initial morphologic components, whereas the Landsat and ASTER images enable the spatial urban expansions to be mapped. The magnitudes of spatial urban expansions have been massive, in the order of 165 km2. These expansions have occurred through four main temporal phases with different spatial extents, rates, and directions in response to common urban policies and socioeconomic settings. Assessing the interactions between urban expansions and the morphology of watersheds in the study area indicates that the directions of urban expansion have been opposite to the geospatial orientations of the watersheds. In addition, significant urban areas in the order of ~8 km2 are under the direct threat of flash floods because they are misplaced within the valley floors of the studied watersheds. The study concludes that successful spatial urban expansion should consider the morphologic characteristics of the initial landscape for the purpose of maximizing interests and avoiding or reducing potential hazards against urban settlements.