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Inicio  /  Water  /  Vol: 10 Par: 11 (2018)  /  Artículo

Estimation of Peak Flow in Ungauged Catchments Using the Relationship between Runoff Coefficient and Curve Number

Nam Won Kim and Mun-Ju Shin    


Hourly flood flow estimation for gauged and ungauged catchments is a prerequisite for planning and water management. Various methods have been applied in a multitude of studies to calculate the peak flow for ungauged catchments. However, it is not simple for engineers to use the existing methods in practical applications. An easier method is suggested for this purpose in this study. The authors estimated the relationship between the runoff coefficient, intensity of rainfall, and curve number, and then utilized the relationship to calculated the peak flow using the rational method for ungauged catchments. Rainfall and flood time series for ungauged study catchments were generated by a simple data generation method and a distributed rainfall?runoff model. Results showed that the runoff coefficients simulated using the estimated relationship reasonably agree with the runoff coefficients in the studied ungauged catchments. In addition, the peak flow simulated using the rational method and the relationship highly agree with the peak flow in the ungauged catchments. Therefore, the peak flow in ungauged catchments can be easily calculated by this method, which is more pragmatic for engineers.

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