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Inicio  /  Hydrology  /  Vol: 9 Par: 12 (2022)  /  Artículo

Water Footprint Assessment for Irrigated Paddy Cultivation in Walawe Irrigation Scheme, Sri Lanka

Higgoda K. Janani    
Himasha Dilshani Abeysiriwardana    
Upaka Rathnayake and Ranjan Sarukkalige    


Water footprint (WF) is a comprehensive summation of the volume of freshwater consumed directly and indirectly in all the steps of the production chain of a product. The water footprint concept has been widely used in agricultural water resources management. Water for irrigation is supplied in Sri Lanka to farmers at no cost, and thus the question is arising, whether the current management strategies the authorities and the farmers follow are appropriate to achieve productive water utilization. Therefore, this study aims at evaluating the water footprint of rice production in an irrigation scheme in the dry zone of Sri Lanka, the Walawe irrigation scheme. Due to the unreliability of the rainfall in the study area paddy cultivation depends entirely on irrigation, thus, the ???????????? W F b l u e , in other terms the volume of water evaporated from the irrigation water supply is considered as the total WF (??????????) W F t o t ) in this study. Actual crop evapotranspiration (equivalent to ???????????? E T b l u e ) was estimated based on the Penman-Monteith (P-M) model integrating effective rainfall, and crop coefficient published in Sri Lankan Irrigation Design Guidelines. The study spanned for three irrigation years from 2018?2021. Actual irrigation water issued to the field was estimated based on the data recorded by the government body responsible for irrigation water management of the area?Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka. The total volume of percolated water was computed employing the water balance method while assuming runoff is negligible. Results show that the average annual ???????????? W F b l u e found to be 2.27 m3/kg, which is higher than global and national ?????????? W F t o t . As the crop yield in the study area (6.5 ton/ha) is also higher than the global (4.49 ton/ha) and national (3.5 ton/ha) yields, a conclusion was drawn that the irrigation water usage (????????????????) C W U T b l u e ) in the area may be significantly higher. It was then noted the higher ???????????????? C W U T b l u e was due to relatively higher evapotranspiration in the area. Thus, it is vital to reduce excess water usage by shifting irrigation practices from flooded irrigation to the System of Rice Intensification (SRI).

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