The apparent advantages of Multilevel Inverter (MLI) topologies in handling medium and high power with less loss in switching and lower harmonic distortion in an output voltage waveform makes it better than the conventional inverter. However, the MLI topologies utilize a large number of DC power supplies and power semiconductor devices. They also have a higher value of total standing voltage (TSV). Moreover, capacitor voltage balancing problems, self-voltage boosting inability, and complex control techniques require a relook and improvement in their structure. More recently, Switched-Capacitor Multilevel Inverter (SCMLI) topologies have been proposed to overcome the shortcomings of MLIs. In this paper, a generalized structure for a single-phase switched capacitor multilevel inverter (SCMLI) with self-voltage boosting and self-voltage balancing capability is proposed. A detailed analysis of a general structure of SCMLI is presented. The comparative analysis of the structures is carried out with recently reported topologies to demonstrate superiority. An optimized low-frequency modulation controls the output voltage waveform. The simulation and experimental results are included in the paper for single-unit symmetric (9-level voltage) and asymmetric (17-level voltage) configurations.