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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 9 Par: 7 (2019)  /  Artículo

An Accuracy-Efficiency-Power Consumption Hybrid Optimization Method for CNC Milling Process

Shih-Ming Wang    
Chun-Yi Lee    
Hariyanto Gunawan and Chin-Cheng Yeh    


This study proposes a hybrid optimization method which can help users to find optimal cutting parameters which will provide better efficiency and lower power consumption for a milling process. Empirical models including performance-power consumption characteristic curves of servo motors were built, and an optimization algorithm adopting the empirical models with procedure guiding function was developed. The empirical models were built based on the measurements from planned machining experiments with different combination of machining parameters including spindle speed, feedrate, and chip load, etc. After integrating the models and algorithm, an optimization system with human machine interface, which has procedure guiding function, was developed. The system can recommend optimal machining parameters for a milling process for shorter machining time and lower electricity costs based on the original machining parameters. Finally, cutting experiments were conducted to verify the proposed system, and the results showed that the proposed method can effectively enhance efficiency by 42.06% and save 34.74% in machining costs through reducing machining time and electrical power consumption.

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