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Inicio  /  Coatings  /  Vol: 13 Par: 6 (2023)  /  Artículo

Nonuniform Distribution of Crystalline Phases and Grain Sizes in the Surface Layers of WC Ceramics Produced by Spark Plasma Sintering

Ksenia E. Smetanina    
Pavel V. Andreev    
Evgeny A. Lantsev    
Aleksey V. Nokhrin    
Artem A. Murashov    
Natalia V. Isaeva    
Yury V. Blagoveshchensky    
Maksim S. Boldin and Vladimir N. Chuvil?deev    


The research results conducted on binderless tungsten carbide (WC) ceramics obtained by spark plasma sintering (SPS) of WC powders with different average particle sizes (95, 800, 3000 nm) are presented. Nonuniform distribution of crystalline phases and microstructure of the WC ceramics was studied using layer-by-layer X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Surface layers of the WC-based ceramics are characterized by nonuniform distribution of W2C crystalline phase and grain sizes, including the appearance of abnormally large grains. Thickness of the nonuniform layer was at least 50 µm. The effect under study is associated with an intense carbon diffusion from graphite foil. On the one hand, this contributed to a decrease in the intensity of W2C phase particle formation, which is transformed into a-WC phase due to the carbon. On the other hand, it caused abnormal grain growth in the layer where the carbon diffused. The obtained value of the carbon diffusion depth (50 µm) exceeds the values known from the literature (up to 1 µm in the case of volume diffusion even at temperature of 2370 °C and exposure time of ~60 h). The use of boron nitride (BN) as a protective coating on graphite mold parts did not prevent the formation of nonuniform layer on the ceramic surface.

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