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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 10 Par: 23 (2020)  /  Artículo

Spatial Data Analysis for Deformation Monitoring of Bridge Structures

Ján Erdélyi    
Alojz Kopácik and Peter Kyrinovic    


Weather conditions and different operational loads often cause changes in essential parts of engineering structures, and this affects the static and dynamic behavior and reliability of these structures. Therefore, geodetic monitoring is an integral part of the diagnosis of engineering structures and provides essential information about the current state (condition) of the structure. The development of measuring instruments enables deformation analyses of engineering structures using non-conventional surveying methods. Nowadays, one of the most effective techniques for spatial data collection is terrestrial laser scanning (TLS). TLS is frequently used for data acquisition in cases where three-dimensional (3D) data with high resolution is needed. Using suitable data processing, TLS can be used for static deformation analysis of the structure being monitored. For dynamic deformation measurements (structural health monitoring) of bridge structures, ground-based radar interferometry and accelerometers are often used for vibration mode determination using spectral analysis of frequencies. This paper describes experimental deformation monitoring of structures performed using TLS and ground-based radar interferometry. The procedure of measurement, the analysis of the acquired spatial data, and the results of deformation monitoring are explained and described.

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