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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 9 Par: 6 (2019)  /  Artículo

Effects of Hooked-End Steel Fiber Geometry and Volume Fraction on the Flexural Behavior of Concrete Pedestrian Decks

Seung-Jung Lee    
Doo-Yeol Yoo and Do-Young Moon    


This study investigates the effects of hooked-end fiber geometry and volume fraction on the flexural behavior of concrete pedestrian decks. To achieve this, three different fiber geometries, i.e., three-dimensional (3D), four-dimensional (4D), and five-dimensional (5D), and volume fractions of 0.37%, 0.6%, and 1.0% were considered. Test results indicate that a higher number of hook ends can more effectively enhance the flexural strength and flexural strength margin at all volume fractions than a lower number, so that the order of effectiveness of hooked-end fibers on the flexural strength parameters was as follows: 5D > 4D > 3D. To satisfy the ductility index of 0.39, the amounts of 3D, 4D, and 5D hooked steel fibers should be in the range of 0.98%?1.10%. Moreover, at a fiber volume fraction of 1.0%, only multiple cracking behaviors were observed, and the numerical results indicated that the volume fraction should be equal to 1.0% to guarantee a deflection-hardening response of pedestrian decks, regardless of the hooked-end fiber geometry. Consequently, a 1.0% by volume of hooked-end steel fiber is recommended to replace the minimum longitudinal steel rebars and guarantee a ductile flexural behavior with multiple cracks for pedestrian decks made of high-strength concrete.

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