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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 11 Par: 24 (2021)  /  Artículo

An Intelligent Diagnosis Method for Machine Fault Based on Federated Learning

Zhinong Li    
Zedong Li    
Yunlong Li    
Junyong Tao    
Qinghua Mao and Xuhui Zhang    


In engineering, the fault data unevenly distribute and difficultly share, which causes that the existing fault diagnosis methods cannot recognize the newly added fault types. An intelligent diagnosis method for machine fault is proposed based on federated learning. Firstly, the local fault diagnosis models diagnosing the existing fault data and the newly added fault data are established by deep convolutional neural network. Then, the weight parameters of local models are fused into global model parameters by federated learning. Finally, the global model parameters are transmitted to each local model. Therefore, each local model update into a global shared model which can recognize the newly added fault types. The proposed method is verified by bearing data. Compared with the traditional model, which can only diagnose the existing fault data but cannot recognize newly added fault types, the federated fault diagnosis model fusing weight parameters can diagnose newly added faults without exchanging the data, and the accuracy is 100%. The proposed method provides an effective method to solve the poor sharing of fault data and poor generalization of fault diagnosis model for mechanical equipment.

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