In view of the existing research in the field of k-nearest neighbor query in the road network, the incompleteness of the query user?s preference for data objects and the privacy protection of the query results are not considered, this paper proposes a multiuser incomplete preference k-nearest neighbor query algorithm based on differential privacy in the road network. The algorithm is divided into four parts; the first part proposes a multiuser incomplete preference completion algorithm based on association rules. The algorithm firstly uses the frequent pattern tree proposed in this paper to mine frequent item sets, then uses frequent item sets to mine strong correlation rules, and finally completes multiuser incomplete preference based on strong correlation rules. The second part proposes attribute preference weight coefficient based on multiuser? s different preferences and clusters users accordingly. The third part compares the dominance of the query object, filters the data with low dominance, and performs a k-neighbor query. The fourth part proposes a privacy budget allocation method based on differential privacy technology. The method uses the Laplace mechanism to add noise to the result release and balance the privacy and availability of data. Theoretical research and experimental analysis show that the proposed method can better deal with the multiuser incomplete preference k-nearest neighbor query and privacy protection problems in the road network.