This paper presents a novel circuit of a z-1 operation which is suitable, as a basic building block, for time-domain topologies and signal processing. The proposed circuit employs a time register circuit which is based on the capacitor discharging method. The large variation of the capacitor discharging slope over technology process and chip temperature variations which affect the z-1 accuracy is improved using a novel digital calibration loop. The circuit is designed using a 28 nm Samsung FD-SOI process under 1 V supply voltage with 5 MHz sampling frequency. Simulation results validate the theoretical analysis presenting a variation of capacitor voltage discharging slope less than 5% over worst-case process corners for temperature between 0 °C and 100 °C while consuming only 30 µA. Also, the worst-case accuracy of z-1 operation is better than 33 ps for input pulse widths between 5 ns and 45 ns presenting huge improvement compared with the uncalibrated operator.