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Inicio  /  Coatings  /  Vol: 10 Par: 8 (2020)  /  Artículo

Corrosion Behavior and Mechanism of Carbon Ion-Implanted Magnesium Alloy

Banglong Yu    
Jun Dai    
Qingdong Ruan    
Zili Liu and Paul K. Chu    


Carbon ion implantation was conducted on an AM60 magnesium alloy with fluences between 1 × 1016 and 6 × 1016 ions/cm2 and an energy of 35 keV. The microstructure and electrochemical properties of the samples were systematically characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, Raman scattering, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and electrochemical methods. These studies reveal that a 250 nm-thick C-rich layer is formed on the surface and the Mg2C3 phase embeds in the ion-implanted region. The crystal structure of the Mg2C3 was constructed, and an electronic density map was calculated by density-functional theory calculation. The large peak in the density of states (DOS) shows two atomic p orbitals for Mg2C3. The main electron energy is concentrated between -50 and -40 eV, and the electron energy mainly comes from Mg (p) and Mg (s). The electrochemical experiments reveal that the Ecorr is -1.35 V and Icorr is 20.1 µA/cm2 for the sample implanted with the optimal fluence of 6 × 1016 ions/cm2. The sample from C ion implantation gives rise to better corrosion resistance.

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