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Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 9 Par: 15 (2019)  /  Artículo

Optical Interference Suppression Based on LCD-Filtering

Gilbert J. M. Forkel    
Adrian Krohn and Peter A. Hoeher    


Using light emitting diodes (LED) for the purpose of simultaneous communication and illumination is known as visible light communication (VLC). Interference by ambient light sources is among the most critical challenges. Owing to the wideband VLC spectrum, the efficiency of wavelength-dependent optical filtering is limited, especially in the presence of sunlight. Multi-user VLC causes additional interference, since LEDs are characterized by a wide viewing angle. Although algorithm-based interference suppression is a feasible method, receiver saturation and especially noise enhancement are two challenges that can only by addressed effectively by filtering in the optical domain prior to the photodetector. In this publication, we propose the use of a liquid-crystal display (LCD) as receiver-side filter unit. The main advantage of this technology is the possibility to focus the field-of-view of the receiver on a specific light source and thereby suppress interference. Interference by ambient light, modulated interference and multi-aperture interference are introduced and signal-to-interference ratio improvements are derived using experimental results for a given LCD characteristic. By deriving the bit error rate for MIMO communications, the potential of the proposed interference reduction method is demonstrated.

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