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Inicio  /  Water  /  Vol: 15 Par: 2 (2023)  /  Artículo

The Impact of Tidal Straining and Advection on the Stratification in a Partially Mixed Estuary

Jin Zhang    
Li Cheng    
Yajun Wang and Chenjuan Jiang    


Stratification and mixing of the water column is an important dynamic process in the estuary, which plays a significant role in the estuarine circulation, mass transport and energy exchange. Based on the multi-station synchronous observation data from 26 February to 6 March in 2011 during dry season in the North Channel of the Changjiang Estuary, the Richardson number, the Simpson number and the potential energy anomaly of water were calculated to analyze the tidal variation of the mixing and stratification processes. The roles of the depth-mean straining, longitudinal advection, non-mean straining and tidal stirring in the processes of mixing and stratification of the water column were analyzed by calculating the contribution terms of the time-derivative of potential energy anomaly. The results show that the mixing and stratification of the water column in the North Channel have significant spatiotemporal variation. Stability of the stratification gradually decreases from neap tide to spring tide. In the reaches of salt wedge migration, permanent stratification develops during neap and mean tide, with stability increasing on the flood and decreasing on the ebb, which is dominated by longitudinal advection. During spring tide, periodic stratification develops, with development of stratification on the flood and its breakdown on the ebb, which is dominated by longitudinal advection and tidal stirring. In the main reaches of saltwater intrusion, permanent stratification develops during neap tide, with stability increasing on the ebb and decreasing on the flood, which is dominated by depth-mean tidal straining. During mean and spring tide, periodic stratification occurs, with development of stratification on the ebb and its breakdown on the flood, which is controlled by depth-mean tidal straining and assisted by tidal stirring. In the North Channel, tidal advection is the main stratifying agent in the salt wedge migration reaches, and tidal straining is the main stratifying agent in the main reaches of saltwater intrusion.

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