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Inicio  /  Coatings  /  Vol: 12 Par: 2 (2022)  /  Artículo

Low-Temperature Performance of Asphalt Mixtures Modified by Microencapsulated Phase Change Materials with Various Graphene Contents

Yong-Xiang Ren and Pei-Wen Hao    


Microencapsulated phase change materials (PCMs) added to conventional ones can store excessive heat energy and reduce thermal stresses. In this study, melamine?formaldehyde resin phase change microencapsulated PCMs, with different contents of graphene (CG), were added to asphalt mixtures, in order to reduce their low-temperature cracking, induced by thermal stresses. Low-temperature and heat-conducting/storing performance of the obtained mixtures was examined via beam bending tests, semi-circular bending low-temperature performance tests, thermal conductivity tests and volume-specific heat capacity tests. Besides, the prepared asphalt mixtures? water stability and high-temperature stability values were obtained via freeze-thaw splitting and wheel tracking tests. The low-temperature performance of PCM-modified asphalt mixtures was evaluated via their bending strain energy densities, with one of the PCM-modified asphalt mixtures, namely CGMFPCM3, synthesized by the authors, was 1.7 times higher than that of the common asphalt mixture. Although the dynamic stability of all three PCM-modified mixtures was deteriorated by 68, 50, and 20% compared to the common one, that of CGMFPCM3 still complied with the standard requirement. Thermal conductivity and volume-specific heat capacity of the asphalt mixture at 278.15 K was enhanced by 5 and 43%, respectively, after adding CGMFPCM3. It is recommended for reducing the temperature variation-induced cracking in the asphalt pavement. Thermal conductivity and volume-specific heat capacity can be used for evaluating the temperature-regulating performance of asphalt mixtures.

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