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Inicio  /  Algorithms  /  Vol: 15 Par: 3 (2022)  /  Artículo

Non-Invasive Systems and Methods Patents Review Based on Electrocardiogram for Diagnosis of Cardiovascular Diseases

Nellyzeth Flores    
Marco A. Reyna    
Roberto L. Avitia    
Jose Antonio Cardenas-Haro and Conrado Garcia-Gonzalez    


Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a global public health problem. It is a disease of multifactorial origin, and with this characteristic, having an accurate diagnosis of its incidence is a problem that health personnel face every day. That is why having all the indispensable tools to achieve optimal results is of utmost importance. Time is an essential factor when identifying heart problems, specialists look for and develop options to improve this aspect, which requires a thorough analysis of the patient, electrocardiograms being the factor standard for diagnosis and monitoring of patients. In this paper, we review patents and combined systems for the analysis of existing electrocardiogram signals, specific to cardiovascular diseases. All these methods and equipment have the purpose of giving an accurate diagnosis and a prediction of the presence of CVD in patients with positive risk factors. These are considered as the first diagnostic option, based on the guidelines already established in the field of preventive cardiology. The methodology consists of the searching of specific electrocardiography and cardiovascular disease subjects, taking as a reference the use of various patent databases. A total of 2634 patents were obtained in the consulted databases. Of that total, only 30 patents that met all the previous criteria were considered; furthermore, a second in-depth review of their information was conducted. It is expected that studying and reviewing these patents will allow us to know the variety of tools available for the different pathologies that make up CVD, not only for its immediate diagnosis because, as mentioned, the time factor is decisive for the best forecast but also to allow us to follow up on all the cases that arise, being able to provide a better quality of life to patients with CVD or even being able to lead them to a full recovery.

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