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Inicio  /  Future Internet  /  Vol: 14 Par: 3 (2022)  /  Artículo

Weighted-CAPIC Caching Algorithm for Priority Traffic in Named Data Network

Leanna Vidya Yovita    
Nana Rachmana Syambas and Ian Joseph Matheus Edward    


Today, the internet requires many additional mechanisms or protocols to support various ever-growing applications. As a future internet architecture candidate, the Named Data Network (NDN) offers a solution that naturally fulfills this need. One of the critical components in NDN is cache. Caching in NDN solves bandwidth usage, server load, and service time. Some research about caching has been conducted, but improvements can be made. In this research, we derived the utility function of multiclass content to obtain the relationship between the class?s weight and cache hit ratio. Then, we formulated it into the Weighted-CAPIC caching algorithm. Our research shows that Weighted-CAPIC provides a higher cache hit ratio for the priority class and the whole system. This performance is supported while the algorithm still provides the same path-stretch value as Dynamic-CAPIC. The Weighted-CAPIC is suitable to used in mobile nodes due to its ability to work individually without having to coordinate with other nodes.

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